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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Nauts thoughts...

What's good peoples! Just wanted to keep everybody in the loop about some d_Nauts and Ant Farm happenings from ya boy Othello's perspective.

In case you thought we were sleeping- NOT! Currently the AFA is busy at work on both a full length compilation CD and mixtape CD. Look for the mixtape in the near future.

As for the Nauts, we just got word that GOT YOUR WAR will be included on a brand new album supporting the Iraq Veterans Against the War. You've read about them right here in a previous post. They are a group that we really support- soldiers who have fought in this so-called war on terror, see it for what it is and have the guts to speak out against it.

We will be performing at the Cd release in Washington DC on September 14th, so we're really looking forward to that.

Me and Nem continue to work on new material- many of you have heard THE SUSPENSE live- so look forward to more of that in the near future.

I'd love to hear from ya'll about what type of material you'd want to hear out of the AFA on the mixtape. So drop us a comment. Who should collabo with who? What kind of topics should we address? What beats do you want to hear us rock over? LET YA BOY KNOW and we'll make it happen.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm still waiting on that "Bored of Education" joint :)
The Nauts can kill that topic. I'm sure any of the other AFA cats can chime in on the educational system with no problem.