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Monday, September 24, 2007

Phenetiks & The Jena 6 Project: "Shotgun" Feat Asia Rainey

Phentiks is currently involved in a collaboration project called "The Jena 6 project". A bunch of spoken word artists,producers and MC's came together to produce an album for 6 young men in Jena LA who are facing life in prison and are being wrongly persecuted. Deto22 produced the track "Shotgun" (track 11) on the album featuring Asia Rainey.

All the money made off this project will be given to charity to help these young men afford proper defense attorney's. Help spread the word. Peace

Tampa Bay Artists United

Perhaps you've heard someone mention the Jena Six recently in casual conversation? On the internet, this was quickly dubbed "The White Tree" story. In a mostly white town of 3,000 in north-central Louisiana, six boys were arrested and charged with attempted murder. We later learned that a string of events highlighted by racial intimidation, institutionalized racism, and violence predated what most witnessed as a typical school fight in Jena, Louisiana. Slowly, the stench of Jim Crowe justice became more pronounced as awareness spread. Can this possibly still be a real scenario in 2007? One would have to go back to the eve of September 1, 2006 to get answers.

The climate in an already racist town hit a feverish pitch the moment the Black students at Jena High school decided to challenge segregation standards by sitting under what was historically called "The White Tree". They were rewarded for their forward thinking the following day with the horrific sight of three nooses hanging off the notorious tree. The penalty for this hate crime was a mere 3 day suspension. After an organized sit down at "The White Tree" by the Black students at the school to protest the injustice, those students were forced to disperse and told by Jena's District Attorney that he could end their "lives with the stroke of a pen". The message was clear, know your place or suffer the consequences. Several incidents would follow including one of the Jena Six getting jumped at a party and eventually being threatened by shotgun at a local convenience store. The tension would lead to an altercation between a white student, who was a good friend of one of the students responsible for the noose incident and six young black boys all under the age of 18. After provoking the Jena six with racial epitaphs, cool heads would no longer prevail. The white student would be jumped by the six in a fight that would last a couple seconds. The white student suffered a concussion and was released from the hospital after two hours. Shortly afterwards the 6 young men were arrested and eventually charged with second degree attempted murder saying that their sneakers were used as deadly weapons. Meanwhile, the stiffest punishment assigned to anyone of non-black descent was simple battery.

However, there is hope. Jena High school has cut down the infamous "White Tree" and the charges for most of the Jena Six have been reduced based on public outrage and increasing support from civil rights activists. Despite these developments, we are not content that justice has been served. These young men still face 15-20 years of prison time. We demand clemency be awarded to the Jena Six.

Like many, I remain outraged by these events. With the help of Tampa Bay's Spoken Word community dubbed "Tampa Bay Artists United" along with some local Hip Hop performers and artists from abroad, I've decided to put my words into action. The Jena Six Project is a collaborative effort with all of the proceeds going to support the Jena Six Defense Fund. It is our hope that by raising awareness about a town with a history of human rights violations (Jena Juvenile Correctional Center and torturing of New Orleans prisoners), the ability to enjoy some of the freedoms of this country can be restored to these young men.

Justice for the Jena Six!

- Daniel "Motown Pride"